Friends that want to hang out

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Crazy Crazy Stressful Day

Do you ever have those days where - the day starts off slow.... and all of a sudden BAM - everyone needs you at the same time and everything is an emergency at the same time - you wish you had 20 clones who could help you out - knowing what you know.... The term "Running around like a chicken with my head cut off" comes to mind... crazy crazy stressful day.... and with that stress - comes the screechy voice - short temper - of the she devil of me.. Is that screeching I hear - really me???? scary stuff... and yes it was me.....

Now looking back on my day - it wasn't so bad..... I have my health.. my kids are doing great... my husband is super duper.... I have a home - plenty of food - friends... and the cause of my stress today - was three (3) new clients and six (6) new contracts - I should be jumping up and down at my added success but because I tend to be a perfectionist - I was stressed out trying to accomplish too many tasks and not delegating like I should.... that 's my control freak coming out.... I feel the need to do everything myself..... so today turned out not to be as good as it could have been...

Thankfully, I was able to meet with several of my friends tonight for dinner and conversation - we are planning different events for our women ministry - working tonight - gave me peace... Sharing my day.. my stress... their day.. their stress - takes the burden away.. There's something about women getting together that just helps to put things into perspective...

Jesus said, "Where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20


Cutlerama said...

Boots and red lights...yeah that's putting things into perspective! :)
Always a good time though, Meetings aren't the same without you!

Kelly L said...

That was funny - Nancy just won't get out of my mind..... I'm still thinking bright red boots - micro-minis..... just a thought.... well, maybe not.. no shadows and no lines.


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