Friends that want to hang out

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Saying I'm Sorry

There have been times in my life when my ugly pride had gotten in the way of saying I'm sorry.. Why is it so difficult at times to show the one you promised your life to that you love him? That you are so sorry for treating him like he did not matter... It took me twenty (20) years of marriage to get it... To realize that I made a commitment to this man... to God.... One of the best books I have read is theThe Love Dare - there is so much wisdom in this book.... Completely Bible based...

I had spent years blasting my husband for the minor mistakes he made... or the lack of attention he gave me... I was too busy pointing the finger in his direction - I never bothered to look in the mirror.... and in reality my sins were far more greater....

When a husband puts his interests, desires, and priorities in front of his wife, that's a sign of selfishness. When a wife constantly complains about the time and energy she spends meeting the needs of her husband, that's a sign of selfishness... Basically - it's the pot calling the kettle black...

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves. Philippians 2:3

This is a quote that I totally agree with from The Love Dare: "If you're thinking that your spouse - not you - is the one who needs work, you're likely suffering from a bad case of ignorance, with a secondary condition of selfishness. Remember, love is not rude but lifts you to a higher standard..."

This is a scene from the movie Fireproof- it's the most humbling apology from a husband... I think every married couple could learn something from it... I know I did...


Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

Well, my stupid computer won't let me play the video, but I REALLY love what you've written here, and I couldn't agree more!

I have a strong Irish stubborn streak that resists apologizing. I work VERY hard at doing it anyway. I've NEVER been sorry I did!

Thanks so much for the reminder!

Karen said...

I can relate to what you wrote, Kelly...the Fireproof movie is is the book....that scene you shared always brings tears to my eyes....

Denise said...

I guess I need to rent that movie and watch it.... I was moved by what you said..... We can all learn to say I am sorry....

Great Post......


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