I remember the day I walked down the aisle to my husband 21 years ago.... I remember when my dad placed my hand onto Dusty's hand.... I remember Dusty looking at me and telling me for all to hear that I was beautiful..... At that moment in time - I felt beautiful and I felt loved..... I remember that night dancing to Crazy Love - by Van Morrison and knowing without a doubt I was cherished....
As the years go by - that freshness leaves us - life takes over and appreciation of one another is lost. Life becomes mundane and your love.... your husband... your wife ends up more of a roommate than a spouse... The dreams you shared together somehow slipped through the cracks. I am not just talking about me but many couples in my age group..... Intimacy is a thing of the past - not just in the bedroom but in the relationship too.
Pastor Rick Warren made this quote on Face Book today -
The primary purpose of marriage is to make you holy, not merely happy. Nothing challenges our self-centeredness more.
Those are strong words - don't you think? They are words that made me think... ponder.... When I took the vows so long ago - I was not thinking about the covenant I made with my husband - I was thinking the fairytale that most young girls think about... It took me over 20 years to figure out what God wanted from me... wanted from my marriage.. I had to learn how to love...and coming from over 20 years of bad habits it made it difficult to be consistent... consistent in love... in forgiveness.. in mercy and grace... I'm a work in progress... Sometimes when I go up one step I later will fall back two.... But the important thing is to not give up..... Is is also important to remember that love is a choice...not always a feeling...Where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Ruth 1:16
Could not find a good video of Van Morrison - Michael Buble - almost as good.
Real love is unconditional. I think the cure for finding fault with one's mate is to think about one's own faults and then pick up the stone if you can. :) ("He who is without sin, let him be the first to cast the stone.")
I agree -Oh Sew Good. The only way love can last a lifetime is if it's unconditional. The truth is this: love is not determined by the one being loved but rather by the one choosing to love. excerpt from The Love Dare - I OH SEW love that book. and love you too!
We love because He first loved us 1 John 4:19
And if our marriages don't make us holy, being a parent will serve the cause as well! Beautiful, thoughtful words regarding love and relationship and keeping to it, despite all odds.
Thus, keep to it, sister.
I agree with your thoughts about marriage and Warren's quote was perfect. The song is a nice touch!
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