There's a poll going around facebook about President Obama calling the White House Christmas Tree a Holiday tree. The poll invites readers to vote if President Obama should call the tree a Holiday tree or a Christmas tree... This is a subject that gets many Christians worked up.... Quick to believe this to be true... Quick to vote against the tree being called a Holiday tree.... This claim is pure nonsense. The White House tree will continue to be called a Christmas Tree.... The White House will continue to celebrate Christmas - Christmas is an American Tradition regardless if Christ is in the mix or not.....
Let's say the rumor was true... Would you be surprised? Christ has been taken out of the schools... out of the government.... out of many homes..... To be a follower of Christ today is not popular.... The Bible told us this would happen..... The Bible tells us that we as followers will have to defend our faith - hold tight to our faith in Him.... We will be mocked and criticized for worshiping Him...
During this Christmas season- we need to show the true meaning of Christmas not only by our words but by our actions... We are to not get angry when a cashier tells us Happy Holidays... but use it as an invitation to say Merry Christmas back - kindly and with a smile.... We need to show love and grace - We need to knock that Christian chip off our shoulder when we hear "Happy Holidays".. Our Christian pride can be a dangerous thing.... because in that pride we are not glorifying Him.... and after all it's Christmas not Kellymas....
Amen...well written!
Lol at "Kellymas"...Great post...We are Christ's ambassadors so we must be careful with the way we say or do things. God bless sister and great to hear from you.
Amen and Amen.
Holidays came from Holy Days. Alot of times when people tell me happy holidays, I respond with "I hope your holy day is wonderful as well :)" or something to that effect.
I love CHRISTmas- its a magificent time of year and it makes it easier to present the gospel to others during the hustle and bustle
Amen....... Well said...... It is always going to be Christmas......Always.... until the Lord snatches us out of here.. Then they can call it what they want....
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